Page 170 - The Path of Grace
P. 170

certain degree but the laya is yet far off. There is conscious awareness of the presence of the Bhuma or base in the heart and this makes the aspirant know that there is a certain eternal or universal essence which has to be reached. This makes the aspirant aware of the original essence or moola tattva.
Rev. Babuji says that the realm of expression or manifestation is from this level downwards. Here all the elements are in their original essence and are in purity. All manifestation begins from here to take grosser forms and therefore this can be considered the causal existence of all things in the Universe. This is the abode of Isvara in the sense that from this level alone He functions. This is the beginning of expression of the Divine in a grosser sense. Therefore, it is to be understood that this is the realm of piety (qudsa). It would be better to understand that the realm of piety starts from this place and spreads through the realm of Bhuma till the aspirant reaches the goal.
The aspirant having reached a stage of absolute surrender to the Master, and enjoying in a

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