Page 18 - The Path of Grace
P. 18

Master Sri Ramchandraji, the Master did not elaborate or discuss much on these Points except in the case of Dr.K.C.Varadachari which are published in the book Event Horizon. The information in the book is also limited. It is the sole contribution of Sri K.C.N. based on his own experience and training that a detailed account of all the points and feelings thereof sheathwise / Kosawise are revealed. Some of the advanced aspirants under his training do have the experience of the states. The presentation of information in a tabular form and the basic characteristics of the 64 Points is very useful for all the aspirants of spirituality. The loving exhortations of Sri K.C.N. to speed up Yatra in these Points and the need to practice discipline and the practice of Commandments 1 and 8 for overcoming the clutches of Annamaya Kosa; the practice of meditation on point’A’ and Point’B’ and Bed-time prayer for smooth yatra for the journey through 13 points connected with Pranamaya Kosa; and his repeated appeals to study Master’s works, listen to CDs of Master and participate in the service of the Master – all aimed at the purity at Manomaya Kosa and Yatra in the 13 points connected with it.That the necessity to own up the overall conditions of Pind- desh is the crucial factor for crossing these points and experience transcendence from the binds of

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