Page 185 - The Path of Grace
P. 185

The spiritual journey of the aspirant which moved from the Pind consciousness to cosmic and Para cosmic consciousness now literally takes a quantum leap towards total transformation and moves on towards no-consciousness. The stages above Satchitananda were never discussed in other systems and the experience of the Sahasrara center was considered to be the final stage.
The consciousness at the Trikuti which is all powerful gets transformed into pure Satchitananda at Sahasrara where the aspirant will enjoy the bliss of Sat, Chit and Ananda. Nothing above this was ever contemplated. Therefore, the approach we had in the earlier parts of this commentary of cross referencing with other systems and comparisons is not possible.
The super consciousness which developed in the heart region while traversing knots 1 and 2, we have seen got refined as D1 consciousness in the Brahmand at about the knot 6 or Ajna chakra. The superfine consciousness now gets transformed further at this level as D2 consciousness. (Fig.16)

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