Page 188 - The Path of Grace
P. 188

the pure and simple consciousness alone remains. This consciousness is not even conscious of itself. It is totally drowned in the memory of the Divine. It is with much difficulty that it can say “It is”. Even the feeling of ‘existence’ is lost and the stage of ‘awareness of the Ultimate Reality’ is arrived. All the while it is some journey where the awareness was there, though nominally. Even the stage of Satchitananda was one where bliss is had.
But when the Anandamaya kosa is transcended there is nothing but dryness. A dryness which has become part and parcel of the being. No concern for one’s own progress or regress but a craving to reach the Ultimate takes over and even this is in the realm of the super consciousness.
Consciousness has been well analysed by psychoanalysts and psychologists of transpersonal consciousness. Transpersonal consciousness is yet in the realm of the Maya or Original Stir. Transcendental consciousness has no particular connection with the individual in the sub-conscious, conscious, and super conscious levels or even in the transpersonal consciousness. This is a stage where the aspirant is gripped by the awareness (for want of any other word) of the Reality and nothing except

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