Page 207 - The Path of Grace
P. 207

The realm of knots comes to an end. Knowledge which implies a known and a knower and the process of knowing ceases. A state of no- knowledge (Jnanahinata) starts. The realm of possible expressions fail and just imperience holds sway. Master explains the concept of Jnanahinata separately here to which we shall refer later.
It is the state of Jnanahinata that takes us further in our journey. The sea of wonder before the sadhaka becomes the point of attention and the plunging into it is consequent to this reach. Master puts it ‘Now there is nothing but going on and we swim on and on covering leagues after leagues. The vastness of the surface is experienced very rarely as the sadhaka is drowned in unawareness. It is only a proper record or diary of the sadhaka that may reveal experiences of ‘nothing’ but all the time ‘absorbing’. Master states ‘It is but certain that in the course of our voyage, now, we come across numerous ripples, folds, and wrinkles, but all of them are quite silent and inactive except for a faint

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