Page 225 - The Path of Grace
P. 225

intermediary stage which we pass through, during our march to the Ultimate, which is neither light nor darkness but beyond both. Thus do we start from Avidya (ignorance) and pass through Vidya (knowledge) on to that which is neither Avidya nor Vidya but beyond both. What word can denote the exact sense of that which neither light nor darkness, or which is neither Avidya nor Vidya? Is there any word for that in the World Vocabulary? None, for sure. Let it therefore be as I say ‘Complete Ignorance’ different from its crudest state of preliminary ignorance.”
A very important feature of spirituality is the capacity of the individual Will developed during sadhana. The will of the ordinary man is not always firm and is capable of getting swayed due to environmental or other factors. The will to resist smoking has not always found its success mainly due to poor will; so is the case with many other habits and deeds which one wants to modify in his/her own interest.

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