Page 228 - The Path of Grace
P. 228

the most essential tool without which any method in the manual or elsewhere will not work. While referring to the development of Sensitivity Master has stressed the importance of purity and in this context of development of Special Will it is all the more important.
The development of the will has always been considered as a development of the Ego of the individual. However, Sri Ramchandraji’s concept of the special will is that where there is no ego at all. The ego is totally dissolved. It has been reduced to nothingness. As he clearly states it is not reduced to nothing, but is reduced to nothingness. The ego cannot be totally removed. There is always a reminder of that. However, that reminder which he calls as identity is so minimal that it cannot be construed as being present at all. The person who has negated himself to this extent cannot be said to have any personality at all. The word ‘persona’ which is the root for this word personality actually means ‘mask’. The mask, which every one of us has chosen for ourselves, is a great barrier when we seek to know, live and move in the Ultimate reality,

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