Page 249 - The Path of Grace
P. 249

is only planning. The Pind desh may have any number of defects but it is only here that our fate in the higher regions is formed and we should remember that “The virtue of angels is that they cannot deteriorate; their flaw is that they cannot improve. Humanity's flaw is that we can deteriorate; but our virtue is that we can improve”.
As house holders it is for us to use the circumstances in life for growth internally. As the Upanishad put it “In the dark night live those for whom, the world without alone is real; in night Darker still, for whom the world within Alone is real. The first leads to a life of action, the second to a life of meditation. But those who combine action with meditation Cross the sea of death through action and enter into immortality through the practice of meditation. So have we heard from the wise.” I add that we do not need to hear from the wise. If we wisely follow the path given by our beloved Master we can stand testimony to this Vedic wisdom.
The journey through the 64 knots or points after the 10th knot is easy or difficult according to

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