Page 258 - The Path of Grace
P. 258

patterns after meditation. It is the nature of such thought patterns that does reveal to us our binds. In this context the nature of the thought reveals the Kosa that is binding us.
As we have observed earlier the Self is trying to express itself through the five sheaths. We identify ourselves more naturally with the physical body than other sheaths. It is one reality that clearly lays our boundary and does not permit any intrusion into it. Thus the Annamaya Kosa is the most predominant one in our thoughts. Majority of our thoughts relate to it and its needs. It demands and gains full attention from us all the time and while we do resist its demands we cannot postpone them always and many times cannot deny attention to them. There are certain natural characteristics of the physical body that is a essentially a product of Earth and Water elements of Matter. Matter has a natural tendency for inertia and torpor. Our body left to its elements would seek rest. It is Life or Prana in us that causes activity and gains a lead over inertia, as long as Prana is enabled to function in the body. Finally the drama of individual life ends with the

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