Page 280 - The Path of Grace
P. 280

affected mainly because of the influence of this Kosa.
It is only when Viveka and Vairagya are developed reasonably well we come to grips with the bondages imposed on us by this layer. The awareness has to be three fold 1. God is the real owner and enjoyer of everything in the Universe and 2. therefore any possessive tendency and thereby enjoyment is not ethical and 3. all tendencies to enjoy the fruits of others (Gods) is wrong. Enjoying is by itself not wrong; only that it has to be known it is all God given.
Interdependence among not only humans, but understanding dependency on everything that exists in the Universe and always working for the good of all is another attitude that has to be developed for effective control of Pranamaya Kosa.
The awareness that the whole existence is dependent in an organismic manner on God and development of reverential attitude to the Divine is yet another attitude one has to develop in his efforts to control Pranamaya Kosa.

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