Page 299 - The Path of Grace
P. 299

advantage and their sadhana has yielded better results.
In the interest of universal peace it is necessary that every individual should try to obtain peace for himself first and work for the good of others. The Commandments that our Master has graciously granted us are to be adopted fully if we are to control the odd ways of the Manomaya Kosa. The bondage due to this sheath is the toughest to get rid off. Therefore we have to understand the purpose and nature of his commandments.
We have while dealing with Pranamaya Kosa and Sadhana noted that the astral body includes the Pranamaya Kosa, the Manomaya Kosa and the Vijnanamaya Kosa. The Manomaya Kosa consists of the mind and the five Jnanendriyas that have become the instruments of the mind.
According to this Upanishad, the five kosas fit one inside another like five socks slipped over the same foot. The outermost kosa is the Annamaya-

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