Page 302 - The Path of Grace
P. 302

We have noted earlier that the Sanskrit word kosa, means "sheath, vessel, container or layer." They are the sheaths through which the soul functions simultaneously in the various planes of existence. This should be borne in mind that the layers or kosas are expressed as such because of convenience in understanding and they are not in reality one container inside another. This misunderstanding has led many sadhakas think that they should really tear off the kosas. The Kosas, in order of increasing subtlety, were observed as 1.annamaya kosa: "Sheath composed of food." The physical body, coarsest of sheaths. 2. Pranamaya kosa: "sheath composed of Prana (vital force)." Also known as the etheric or health body, it coexists within the physical body as its source of life, breath and vitality, and is its connection with the astral body. 3. Manomaya kosa: "Mind-formed sheath." The lower astral body. The instinctive-intellectual sheath of ordinary thought, desire and emotion, which is depicted in the book Efficacy of Rajayoga in the light of Sahaj Marg of our beloved Master as the portion marked as L in the heart and 4. Vijnanamaya

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