Page 313 - The Path of Grace
P. 313

information, chitta supplies memories, and buddhi discriminates. For example, an object is perceived by the senses and projected onto the screen of manas. Buddhi determines the object. The ahankar identifies with the object. Different memories or impressions from chitta come to surface that relate to this present experience. The information is looked upon by buddhi to determine the best course of action.
If ahankar follows through with the right action, will power becomes stronger and over time it will be easier to follow the inner wisdom. If the decision is based on the lower mind, swayed by circumstances, impulse, emotion, or past habits, then the print made is a weakness that will repeat itself, weakening the power of discrimination.
In a situation where the lesser decision is made, it is said the light of buddhi's discrimination was covered by binding samskaras, prints in the mind. Therefore, it appears less evolved. But in reality buddhi does not evolve. It is only uncovered when the inner voice, which is always present for

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