Page 316 - The Path of Grace
P. 316

present a view as though it is perfect and may lead us to argue with others and challenge their points of view. Both the persons in the debate are equally in illusion as they are fighting over what their intellect mirrored. The purity of the mirror is had only by constantly being in the company of evolved souls and reading their works with an attitude of assimilation rather than questioning. The questioning attitude can be ruinous in the path of spirituality. Intellect as it has been trained through various educational and mental disciplines is always likely to drag the persons into arguments and convince others of their point of view. Lessons are learnt in spirituality in the core of the heart and not the intellect. Yet intellect is inevitable as a mirror to reflect the wisdom gained to others. It is of no use what so ever in the process of realization; it has limited purpose of gaining knowledge about the reality. As Master puts it in his letter to me on 27th Mar.1971“Intellect is, of course, a great blessing, but to apply it in proper ways is the work of the intellectuals. I call him the intellectual who is inwardly talented and does the work with it, but this

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