Page 321 - The Path of Grace
P. 321

Manomaya Kosas are maintained pure. There is a general notion that the discipline and control that is demanded in the earlier kosas has nothing to do with the actual capacity in Vijnanamaya Kosas. For many the intellect appears to be independent of the physical, vital and lower mental planes. This is a gross misunderstanding. Intellect will have no capacity to understand the real nature without purity in all the planes.
Development of will, which is a capacity of the aspirant gains, is in the Vijnanamaya Kosa. Will can be developed fully with perfect purity. Perfect purity in all the planes is therefore a prerequisite for those who desire to progress in the path of spirituality.
While it is anyone’s guess as to what is the purpose of Creation it has been generally accepted in spiritual tradition that the purpose of Creation is the will of God to express Himself in myriad ways and to show that all forms of life are meant for

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