Page 37 - The Path of Grace
P. 37

The sixth chakra is an octave higher than the third chakra. Our third chakra rules our issues of “power over” and “power within” and our abilities to tune into messages sent to us via the fourth dimension, whereas our sixth chakra rules our spiritual power and our ability to commune with our higher guidance.
The first chakra (Root Chakra), the fourth chakra (Heart Chakra), and the seventh chakra (Crown Chakra) are connected in a somewhat different fashion. Our Root Chakra brings our feminine, physically manifest, energy up into our bodies and our Crown Chakra brings our masculine, spiritually unmanifest, energy down into our bodies. These two transpersonal polarities meet with a burst of light in our Heart Chakra.
Our Heart Chakra is also where our personal feminine/matter and masculine/spirit energies integrate. Therefore, the Heart Chakra is often thought of as the chakra of relationships. These relationships begin with the relationship between our inner male and female polarities as well as our

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