Page 59 - The Path of Grace
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have a taste of the conditions themselves first hand. That is a promise of the master and it should be the endeavour of every one to try to deserve the same.
The significance of the Special Personality of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, in this hour of change is the last chapter in the commentary.
The earlier edition of Path of Grace published in 1996 was exhausted long back and there has been a continuous demand for this book from many aspirants. As per the aspirations of many sadhakas and for the benefit of all seekers of Reality in the world, in this revised edition I have added significant information on the Nature of knots, Yatra or journey there in, Rings of Egoism, Nature of the various layers of bondage called Kosas and also as to how to understand the inner conditions as annexure II. I do not consider it a matter of coincidence that this revised edition of the book which even as the earlier edition and the part commentaries that were issued earlier, is getting released on the Basanth Panchami day, the day of birth of Samartha Guru Sri

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