Page 68 - The Path of Grace
P. 68

centres of power which are helpful in our pursuit. Each of these points has its own particular significance. We take up the heart, which is the nucleus. We go on with meditation at this point till the goal is attained. There are FIVE points or sub- centres in it through which we pass during the course of our journey. When we reach the last or the FIFTH point, our passage towards Ajna chakra (cavernous plexus) becomes straight.” (Figure 1)
The point of meditation is knot 1, which is the nucleus of the human system. It is the heart where activity and inactivity meet. This is a case where we observe the intertwining nature of matter and spirit. This is
essentially of the nature of earth.
It is necessary to note here that the five elements form the ‘material’ for the PANCHA KOSAS: The veils that form around the soul. The

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