Page 83 - The Path of Grace
P. 83

Shanti. Being accustomed to respond selectively to the stimuli through the processes of training at home and in schools it is obvious that all thoughts and sensations are not reflected upon by us. We act and react to stimuli only selectively. Between two reflective processes on any two successive stimuli (both internal and external) that we go through, there is an intermediary stage of lull or pause. This state of pause or inactivity gives us a glimpse of what the state of balance or peace could be. Heart being the center of meditation, in its physical aspect is best suited for the purpose, because in its very working there is contraction and relaxation indicative of activity and inactivity. This combined presence of these two principles of activity and inactivity in the
heart, Revered Babuji says is a gross replica of the holy union of the Ultimate (pure consciousness or
 Purusha) (primordial matter Traditionally
and Kshob principle of or Prakriti). in the

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