Page 44 - Path to Perfection
P. 44

taken to be one. Useless kinds of Worship should abstained from. Religious bigotry is to be detested. God alone is worthy of worship; and as such God alone is to be worshipped. Guru should be honoured (and respected). Such principles are to be adopted as may cause benefit to others. Living should be made so simple that on seeing it, people have an impression of good thoughts. I have always been, and am even now, opposed to idol-worship. Its grossness spoils the heart. A promise to this effect should be taken at the time of initiation. Otherwise also observance of all these principles of good conduct is essential. Idol-worship is to be strictly prohibited.........”
[21-10-1944: pg. 37-38 (A.BII - II)]
Basic Principles
Revered Master dictated the basic principles concerning aspirants under the system of Natural Path:
1. In our fold much emphasis is laid on faith (Aitaqad). That is the first step (of the staircase). To ripen it is every aspirant’s duty. Without this proper benefit is not derived.
2. Every aspirant must first decide in his heart whether this particular method shall do him/her good; and this will be evident to him/her through (his/her own) experience. Then there should be an orientation to ripen faith; and compliance of one’s guide’s orders should be considered as duty.
3. It should be made comprehensible to the aspirants that what is being done to them (through transmission) is not mesmerism (hypnotism) but the way of connecting (the aspirant) to the Ultimate Being; and that this is the main thing (under this new system viz. Natural Path). So long as an aspirant does not decide well in his heart and comes and to have trust in the guide, there is no need to make him/her start.
4. The consideration of character is the main thing and Bramacharaya (celibacy) is also strictly essential. This is the way of devotion (Bhakti), and whatever else may be achieved along with.”
[24-10-1944: pg. 41-42 (A.BII - II)]
Health and self-respect

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