Page 51 - Path to Perfection
P. 51

10. Prayer to be offered by every member of the Mission at night before going to bed, for the success of the Mission, and for strength to oneself to follow the laws of Nature and the mandates of the Mission. This is the most important thing.
“This is binding for everybody whether big or small. Special cases may be exempted. They will abide by the orders, whatever may be there.”
[23-08-1945: pg. 53 (A.B.II - III)]
Diary writing
The chief purpose of the diary is that an abhyasi may remain attentive to his condition because he has to write about it. When an abhyasi remains attentive to it, his Anubhava or experience develops because concentration is there. Concentration is the Divine Instrument for revelation. People are of the opinion that if there is no concentration, meditation is useless. I can emphatically say that a man can never ‘get’ God by concentration, because in concentration you are one-pointed and you are not waiting for anything, while in meditation you wait for something and that is God. Waiting produces a sort of attraction automatically on account of continuous effort.
[ 1928 A.B. 1 Pg 30 ]
“Every member of the Mission should maintain a notebook, in which these guiding principles(as mentioned above) be taken down; and one should go through it off and on to remove one’s shortcomings. There should be notes in the diary as to what could not be fulfilled, and wherein one’s shortcoming still persists”.
[23-08-1945: pg. 54 (A.B.II - III)]
Following The Guide
“The technique of developing softness is to create extreme humility in temperament, so that it is filled up with such a sentiment of love, as to have no inclination to cause any hurt to anybody’s heart, and the words are also such as may not hurt anybody’s heart in the least. If he (M1) is able to do this, it will be imitating me, which is duty for everybody. This is called ‘following the Guide’. This was my special way, which has not been emulated by anybody. I, however, would not have permitted you (Ram Chandra) to copy it. This would make

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