Page 54 - Path to Perfection
P. 54

of love which has been brought to the boundary of the Master, after having got rooted (firmly) within one’s own bounds. This is the thread that after getting linked up once is not to be (easily) snapped through any effort to break (delink) it. The destination is far off: this everybody knows; but remembrance (thought) is the thing to make it easy. Remembrance of the Beloved brings the lover closer to Him. The advancement in that direction remains proportional to the love brought up within the bounds of this relationship. We have brought this relationship with us. To develop just this remains our duty. You may say, this has to be developed to the extent that we always find ourselves nearer to HIM (Beloved). This happens to be the state of prayer belonging to the devotees; and it gains strength only through love and devotion. This is the ladder reaching up to the Ultimate Being (Zaat). Just these ladders, who knows how many have to get linked up to be helpful in bringing us to that (Ultimate) limit! All destinations (stages of spiritual progress) are just within this alone! No particular time is fixed for prayer. Whenever there is inclination (orientation) like that described above, prayer is to be started; and if inclination does not come up (automatically) it is to be brought up (created). Prayer is to be offered always to that Master, who is really the Master and worthy of being designated Master. Praying to one’s Supreme Master with regard to worldly matters, except in some special circumstances, is foolishness and lack of mature knowledge. However, prayer to the Master for that which is or may be ordered (by Him) is legitimate (alright). This falls under extreme human civility and indicates that we are accepting Him as (our) Master from the (core of) heart and have surrendered ourselves at His support.
3. “Now the question arises as to what method of prayer should be adopted for the benefit of others. The answer is that those to be benefited be brought to that same state which has been created in oneself at the time of praying. How this is to be achieved? It be impressed on them (i.e. the beneficiaries) that we are all humble personnel (slaves) and petty beggars, who are getting oriented in our own status of humility at the bar of Supreme Authority (Presence). He should surrender everything own before his Master and become subservient to the wave (of Master’s will) or in other words submit all that is his own to Master, and adopt his essential form and get contracted from all sides to be oriented to that (Master’s) side alone in such a way as to find the whole world dark and dilapidated. The remembrance of all be included in that one remembrance and on all counts (i.e., every hair root and every particle of his existence) only the remembrance alone remains. Just this is called Perfect Merging. (FANA-E- MUTLAQ); If a human being creates this state in him / her, I understand that

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