Page 60 - Path to Perfection
P. 60

will continue without being broken, unless it comes to an end. Now the question arises as to how this fruition (of impressions) may be brought to an end! The device for this purpose, which is most superior, is to surrender one self to somebody and have no concern with the fruition of impressions. There is no book of accounts (balance sheet of actions and their fruition etc.) in Nature: a human being structures his own fate; and creates by himself the shape of fruition of impressions.”
The condition of the fruition of impressions take shape when the climate is favourable to it. There is no question of compound interest. There is no third or fourth place realisation in it. Every thing germinates and grows through warmth. Just this is to be comprehended, that the ripe condition for the fruition of the impressions brought (from earlier life) shall develop quickly to the extent that these remain in touch with the warmth of love for the Real; and that an aspirant’s (immediate) potency for fruition (of impression) restrains their being carried over (for fruition in future). In our fold, formation of the impressions of present actions gets stopped if the real form of love (and attachment) is developed. Only fruition (suffering) of (impressions of) past actions remains. This is a philosophy and it can be detailed out, which, however, shall need pages after pages being scribbled on; and the mind of the person, through whose mediumship (the knowledge of) all these things are descending, will not be able to work continuously in revealing these (mysteries) for that long period of time. Moreover, there is also not much need for grasping all this. I have brought a lot (of knowledge) for comprehension, in a few words.”
[14-10-1944: pg. 21-22 (A.B.II - II)]
2. “In this age things are coming to pass in such ways as rendered it difficult to come out unscathed. Real Man is one who is able to live uniquely in the midst of all people. The atmosphere has taken the effect of the human impressions (Samskaras) to the extent that the thoughts of people are not allowed to remain unruffled. This is due to our own defect Our will has got so much weakened that the shape of succour does not appear to be there. This is because people derive pleasure out of the derangement of their thoughts. Nobody is able to consider himself free of a job that has been completed, to take up another job, in hand (free from burden of the impression of the job, already completed). The cause of the perplexity of the heart in general is just that too many ideas are entertained at one and the same time, or else some thought is unduly stressed to such an extent as to affect the heart. To be rid of this malady, some work connected to God is to

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