Page 66 - Path to Perfection
P. 66

accordance with the colours of different spiritual regions. I am making an amendment in it, viz. the intensity of the effect on the practicant of the coloured light passed through the glass-prism will be proportional to the intensity of electricity. The dark greyish colour will be suitable for the cosmic region; and yellowish white for the para- cosmic region. For the organic region the right colour will be reddish pink. If some body may posses a bad character, there will be a good effect of (appropriate) coloured light together with similar transmission. Just this training was obtained by Revered Prophet Mohammed from Lord Krishna, viz. moral behaviour (Sulook) tinged with very light absorbance beyond selfhood (Majzoobiat). It was just this amendment introduced by Lord Krishna. In case of the incarnation of Lord Rama, there was emphasis on moral behaviour (Sulook) alone. This is a very (important) matter. You have to introduce complete destruction.”
[14-10-1944: pg. 15-16 (A.B.II - II)]
Cleaning Techniques – For Removal of Defects of Mind
“The method: The condition of mind remains unduly restless in the heart. Mind be taken to be part and parcel of the Zaat (Ultimate Being) in such a manner that the two viz. Mind and Zaat, appear, so to say, as of identical hue. By ‘hue’ I do not mean red, yellow, black, etc., but that Zaat being light, as It has been described, mind too remains a like part of that same Zaat. The face of mind in that identical form be turned towards Zaat in the way that, so to say, it gets absorbed (attentive) into just the same Zaat. The mind’s face be rather turned away from outside and drawn towards That Same; and this transmission be retained during the whole sitting administered to some aspirant. This is to remove all the defects of the mind.
“Second Method: All points and plexuses be taken up one by one; and the condition, existing therein, be cleansed and then identified with that condition of Zaat, so that Zaat appears to have risen in that shape or condition i.e., state of ZaatItself. Then, as I have already mentioned in the first method, that identical state be drawn towards, i.e., merged in That Same (Zaat).
“What a fine science it happens to be that when a small thing is pressed by a bigger thing from all sides, or is dipped into it, the bigger thing circumscribes it. If for a long time a small thing is pressed from all sides by the bigger thing, of which it is part and parcel in a deformed condition, the two things are bound to

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