Page 73 - Path to Perfection
P. 73

oneself from the externally expressed self, that generally remains prevalent (there). This will be helpful to that end. Dear M1, this is something very great: this can also be known as perfect mergence. Nothing remains to do or practice after that: to remain His no doubt remains a duty; and that was my way during all of my life. You people also should never give it up: always consider yourself to be His, however high your status may become. Dear Ram Chandra’s training started from this condition. This much he had brought with him since birth (as earlier attainment). Nobody had the capacity to view it, so as to impart training to him with this estimate in view: even to my comprehension this thing had occurred only in due course of time.”
[06-03-1945: pg. 197-198 (A.B.II - II)]
Meditation On The Form Of Master (Shaghal Rabta)
This (newly invented) method brings benefit together to both guru and disciple. This method ordains that in case an aspirant is told to meditate on the form of the Master in the heart, he is to be instructed to have the thought that the elder, whose form is being taken to meditate on, is connected to the Ultimate Being. Meditation should be started just with this firm supposition. If this thought is brought once to mind, before starting meditation on the form of Master (Shaghal Rabta) and getting absorbed in the practice, that will be still better. In case of the aspirant having been told to meditate on the idea of light, he should be instructed to have the idea that the light taken up of firm supposition, is the light of the Ultimate Being.”
[10-12-1944: pg. 126 (A.B.II - II)]
On The Form-A Warning
“Those who set up an organization should first of all practice to structure themselves as the model after which they like to mould others. For example, someone is habituated to eating sweets, and likes to make others abstain from eating sweets. It is necessary for such a person to first give up eating sweets and then motivate others to follow suit. This has been my practice throughout my life that I first practiced myself what I liked to make others practice. Keeping this principle into view, you people proceed on to set up the organization. One thing is worth remembrance, viz. any defect remaining in overt or covert form in the trainer, will go along way, and will penetrate quickly in the practicant who

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