Page 99 - Path to Perfection
P. 99

For Improving Character
“This method consists in taking the subtle body of the other person (the aspirant) in one’s thought; and let the particles of the body (of the aspirant) remain intact. By taking in thought, I mean transmitting (to the aspirant), whatever moral characteristics the trainer requires to be in the aspirant, be entered into him. This, however, is not to be attempted to accomplish in the very first sitting: it should be done on receiving light for doing it, from within”.
[08-6-1945: Pg. 28 A.B. II VOL. III]
Method Of Connection – For Best Results
The connection of the person, to whom the best and unparalleled training be intended, should be established with one’s own heart; and that connection as included in one’s own connection of thought, be given a dive in the Real Storehouse (Asal Bhandar). If a higher condition be intended to be brought up, one’s own connection that is established with that person, be drawn upon one’s own heart; and the connection of that person be provided with a foothold there. Thus the spring of the Real Grace, whose connection has been brought up to there, will remain oozing up and the benefit of Real Grace will remain constantly available.
[10-6-1945: pg.28-30(A.B.II - III)]
Method Of Yatra
“He (Ram Chandra) has improved upon the method; and it is just a little thing, viz. the connection be established where the Master’s state be prevailing. Here, Master does not mean I but the person who is using this method. I myself was aware of this thing; and I have used this method in the case of dear Ram Chandra. Then, he had written to me in his diary that he felt the current of Master coming on his heart all the twenty four hours. Applying this last extreme method is generally to be prohibited, unless the person using this method has tallied his thought with me. (Pause) He has effected more improvement, viz. in case of some plexus being intended to be awakened or filled with Grace, the current of one’s own thought together with the current of the thought of the person on whom the method is to be applied, be brought up to the particular plexus; and then leaving him there, one’s own thought be brought back from there”.

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