Page 183 - Showers of Divine Grace
P. 183
instead of dying down. Endowing them with power has become risky for me. Power exists for achieving the Divine and for benefiting others; but in such persons it started inducing intentions of selfish profit. In addition to teaching others incorrectly they started debating even their own practice. They forgot that along with becoming preceptors, they continue to be abhyasis. They started injecting their own personal ideas into the detailed rules and methods of meditation practice decided and laid down originally and started teaching abhyasis the considerably altered methods of their own practice. Some preceptors teach something and some others some other way. It does not occur to them that in the very fine (sookhsma) rules of practice achieving the Infinite, even the slightest variation of change can have the dire consequences. Can anyone claim to have achieved all Infinity? If a grain of Reality be gained; it is so invaluable that the entire riches of the world can not be its ransom. It is true that power too was given to them, but they desired to u se it, buried as they are in their selfishness and egoism. They never could think that this puts twofold burden on me. (One to progress their advance towards spiritual
welfare and the other, to separate them from their