Page 5 - Showers of Divine Grace
P. 5
Dear Brothers,
I have devoted the major part of my life to constant remembrance. I was twenty two when I gained access to the holy feet of my Master, Samarth Guru Mahatma Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, who brought me up in the lap of his grace and affection. My only object, and the main pursuit of life, has ever been the devoted worship of my Master and this continues from the beginning to end (i.e., till my present state). I took him into my heart as an object of worship and never took, nor do I take even now, anyone else into my view. May God keep up this feeling of mine for ever. I did not take in, any one but my Master, nor did I ever look to any other but him. It is, as a general rule, the primary duty of a true disciple and the only key to success. That is the only means which helps the removing of impurities from the heart and the overcoming of all obstructions on the path. It effects the unfoldment of the knots. It is in fact the real essence of all Sadhanas. One who has tasted it once, shall never part with it in life nor lean towards any other side. This is the unfailing process which our revered