Page 141 - Silence Speaks
P. 141

Silence Speaks
method I shall reveal it to you after sometime. You should only meditate. You should not struggle with the ideas and thoughts which generally come in during meditation. Concentration is the result of meditation. Those who want concentration for the sake of meditation and force their mind to it generally meet with failure. It must be remembered that while practicing these methods one should not force his mind too much, but only sit in a normal way. Sit in an easy posture for one hour in the morning in quite a natural way. It is better to sit in the grey of the morning for meditation or, if that is not possible, then at any fixed hour convenient to you, the abhyasi. Do not feel disturbed by the outer things but remain engaged with your work, thinking that they are in a way helping you to feel the necessity of greater absorption in your practice.
In the evening sit again in the same easy posture for half an hour and think that the complexities, the net-work of your previous thoughts and grossness or solidity in your body, are all melting away or evaporating in the form of smoke from your back side. It will help you in purging your

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