Page 396 - Silence Speaks
P. 396

The problem of living
Centre is God Himself; the master cell and all other cells are His creation. If anybody tries to meditate upon the Centre his efforts will not be successful, though in his imagination he may however take the Centre in view to meditate upon. The only way for that would be the one I have hinted at in the book „Anant Ki Ore‟ (Towards Infinity), but I forbid everybody to attempt it. I had attempted it twice, with prayers to the master, only for two or three seconds each time. Because of the immense power there, on the border ring, I had myself put a strong check over my heart and at the same time the master's powerful hand was also there. Even then I could only peep into it but not meditate upon it at all, because the pressure on the heart was unbearably great. Moreover, it is very difficult even to approach the ring because of a strong backward push from it. The master has however admonished me for it, and warned me against repetition.

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