Page 483 - Silence Speaks
P. 483

Silence Speaks
beginning of the time. No sanskaras were found in them till then. The thing came into their awareness exactly as it flashed. Of course, it did happen that somebody's attention turned towards that solid thing which had assumed a greater volume, and another's view fell over that which was like a current in which there was less overflow. What can that solid thing be? Those things which were essential for the needs of everybody. Hence they went into them and left the subtler things for the subtler seers. Of course, the needs are there of Fire, Water and Air. They have to work from time to time according to their speed. The seers took up these things only, and created such a turn in their inner condition that they gave a movement to them from the very place where there was the effect of the thick current. Hence, Agni, Vayu, etc., were given the impulse from that very place with which they were connected, and where there was the required effect of that thick current. In my humble opinion that view at first reached the elements in which there was the power of spirit. Therefore, you may observe that only such mantras were written in the beginning with which we may get

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