Page 501 - Silence Speaks
P. 501

Silence Speaks
higher stages of advancement the indriyas, having been regulated and balanced, assume a purified state and their actions become dormant. One then does not remain the doer of things and consequently the formation of samskaras stops. This can be easily attained if one follows the right type of abhyas under proper guidance.
I was thinking in my leisure time how nice it would be if somehow a process is known by which man, abandoning his animal qualities, becomes man in the real sense. When I looked all around in myself, as well as in creation, I saw two dynamos — one, the dynamo of individual creation, and the other the dynamo of the universal creation. I have left the second dynamo untouched at present as I know that only the special personality has the power to make use of it. There is also the fear that every ordinary Mahatma cannot even think of this. There are two or three persons in our samstha at present who can use it. But I do not want to give them any clue in the

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