Page 10 - Sparkles and Flashes
P. 10

That is why even though they are simple, many people find it very difficult to understand them.
18.How can that be Master? If they are simple, should they not be easy to understand?
I will give you the example of the Vedas. It is my idea that when they were written by the Rishis in ancient times, few people could understand them. Today it is so easy to know their meaning. Similarly with Ramchandra's Rajayoga teachings, they are for the future. The persons of the future will understand them easily.
19.I want to know everything. How to do it?
There is a Persian couplet where a Saint says "All that I have known is that I know nothing".
20.What are you, Master?
I am a treasure house with no doors. You come and loot me but very few undertake the charm of looting. I wish you to rob me of all that I have and in return give me that which you posses as yours. I am not a speaker - I am a silencer.
21.Babuji ,What is your wish?
My heart is full with intense love for all my fellow beings. I never feel satisfied with my services to them. How eagerly I wish every one to come up to my level of approach, because so far it is within my power to help them up to it. What may be after I am gone from this world, I can say nothing precisely. The bountiful riches bestowed to me by my Divine Master, can never have been possessed even by greatest monarchs. Nothing of the world can be a match to it. I have no desire to take it along with me when I go but to transfer it to somebody just as my Master has done.
22.Where to find the Master ,Babuji?
A brief sketch of the Life of Sri Ramchandraji
His Holiness Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj was born on 30 April in the year 1899

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