Page 17 - Sparkles and Flashes
P. 17

We generally take the Heart for meditation. It is the pumping station of the blood. The heart sends out blood, after purification, to different nerves and cells of the body. Now we have taken the heart as the centre of meditation, the blood that runs throughout our system is affected. One's solidity due to our own thoughts and actions begins to melt away. This is the first thing we begin to gain.
42.What happens when we meditate?
When we meditate the Central Power we have remains in force. It disperses the overwhelming clouds which are greatly fried up by its force. Only an abhyasi can feel it practically. The mind is disciplined and automatically regulated. Senses begin to come under control.
43.What is concentration? Is it necessary for meditation?
Concentration is the automatic and natural result of meditation. Those who insist on concentration in place of meditation and force their mind to it generally meet with failure. The Basis of Meditation is purely spiritual while that of concentration is only the ego.
44.How to proceed with meditation?
My advice to everybody is "Seek the Being that seeks you, and not that which tends to neglect you."
45.I want to give up meditation, because during meditation the breathing slows down considerably. This leads to reduced intake of oxygen and I felt that if the oxygen intake become so reduced, it might reduce my longevity.
Look here. Your feeling is correct. The breathing becomes very slow during meditation. Your complaint is therefore genuine. I examined my own condition during meditation and found that the breathing stopped completely for several minutes at a time. This was my own experience. Then I came to the conclusion that there must be an organ in the body itself which produces oxygen inside. I do not know if I am right in this. Yes, there is an organ or some thing like that in the body which produces oxygen inside. Now I have the confirmation for it. I have just received the confirmation.
46.How can you create Laya Avastha in me?

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