Page 40 - Sparkles and Flashes
P. 40

98. Is it necessary to have pain to get closer to God?
It is not necessary. It is for me alone. My Master used to suffer from great pain. He had abscess of the liver and used to suffer very much, but when he was in a very great pain he used to sing. I asked him why. He told me that when a person is in great pain he has to groan or make such noise. My master once told me that he would easily have removed this trouble in one minute. But he did not do so because he felt the pain was given by God and who knows why God had given it. So that was my master-submission to Divine Will.
99. I have adopted a Guru, why then am I having suffering?
When you did the actions which caused the sufferings, did you ask the Guru?
100.Can there be cause, which might not have any effect?
Every cause can be so provided that the field of action is not allowed to be formed. If the field of action is not there, the cause will have no effect.
101.Master,can afflictions lead to worship of God?
Some times it also happens that an intense shock of some worldly affliction converts a worshipper of matter into a worshipper of God. It is because man being connected mostly with humanity, the shock affects a depression in the line of humanity, causing thereby a vacuum. The gap is instantly filled up by Divinity which is running parallel to it. The deeper the vacuum, greater and more permanent shall be the effect there of.

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