Page 157 - Three Truths and Trillion Doubts
P. 157

1. Is it necessary to have a goal in life?
You remove the goal in football or hockey. The play becomes meaningless.
2. What is the goal of life?
To be a perfect human being.
3. What is the purpose of human existence?
The purpose is only realisation or to realise one's own nature which is Divine.
4. Should we aim for Peace or Realisation?
Everyone wants peace. That means Realisation is not the aim. In that case, one may get peace but not realisation. But if realisation is the aim, peace will automatically follow.
5. What is meant by Realisation?
You know what you are, but you do not know what He is. When you know, or feel in yourself, what He is, that is Realisation. It is really a dumb state which is beyond expression. Really it is a tasteless state, unchanging and constant. There is no charm, no attraction and no anandam in the popular sense of

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