Page 24 - Three Truths and Trillion Doubts
P. 24

4. Why we have to meditate on the heart?
We generally take the Heart for meditation. It is the pumping station of the blood. The heart sends out blood, after purification, to different nerves and cells of the body. Now we have taken the heart as the centre of meditation, the blood that runs throughout our system is affected. One's solidity due to our own thoughts and actions begins to melt away. This is the first thing we begin to gain.
5. Do we need to concentrate during meditation?
Concentration is the automatic and natural result of meditation. Those who insist on concentration in place of meditation and force their mind to it generally meet with failure. The Basis of Meditation is purely spiritual while that of concentration is only the ego.
6. What is the difference between Mind and Heart? Why are impressions formed on heart only?
Mind is the awareness instrument where as the Heart is the feeling instrument. According to tradition Mind has four components functionally. Manas (Flowing quality), Buddhi (Discriminative /

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