Page 334 - Three Truths and Trillion Doubts
P. 334

 the good old past, seem to be thinking that the Brihadaranyaka, the great forest, is full of Yagnavalkyas, surely not. People think of past saying that the good olden days were the best, the Vedic times were the best. Are you sure that all the people on that day were all that great? Is there any evidence to that effect? On the contrary we have several people telling that there are several theories which can be considered as animal or tribal faith. Why I am telling this is that time and again I have to bring to your notice that you have granted an Aura to certain people and certain systems of the past and are choosing to be blind to what is being given to you. It is true that Nagarjuna was the first person to come forward with the thought of non-duality, it is not Shankara, much before 5 centuries before Shankara , Nagarjuna from Andhra has come forward with the concept of Non-Duality or Advaita Bhavamu. Vedas don’t mention this. We interpret that Vedas have said this.
The influx of the Divine, which is a matter of experience for us and the consequent awareness of the condition of Non-Duality or Void, which we are now calling Imperience, shall be the motivating factor for us to understand ultimately that going to be 324

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