Page 63 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 63

As stated in our literature, examine whether you feel light or not and do not try to evaluate the effort you put in. The dogs’ scratching the door does not have anything to do with the door being opened by the Master. We should do our duty properly.
41. In a week, three days I do effective cleaning-the days before I attend sitting and satsang.
Purification of our mental tendencies is a tedious process and I request you to attend to it every day.
42. I do my cleaning everyday after work, but it seems more effective when I do it at the site of the satsang, before satsang. I feel interests more moderated than earlier. More faith within, but sometimes I can notice pulls.
It is true that the place of Satsangh has more pious environment due to the visit of several aspirants. But this does not mean that when we attend to cleaning at home it is less effective.
43. I was having trouble with Smoke method. Thoughts of doubt, of what I was doing, if it was working bothered me. Trainer mentioned I was suffering from idea of doership. He suggested Ocean of Bliss. Last 3-4 weeks I am using Ocean of Bliss, and it seems effective. Usually it's best if I do it first thing after returning from work.
I have been practicing only the method of Ocean of Bliss and have found it very effective in not only removing the complexities but enabling me to think of Him during the purification process also.
44. Mostly seems fine, but on some days I was impatient to get up quickly. Opening my eyes to find its only 20 minutes. Sometimes continued for another 10 on others again got up after 5, and then gave up.
What is this certificate you give by saying ‘mostly seems fine’? What seems to be fine? As you practice diligently the timings get adjusted and you should understand that the clock time is not the real time. Every one of us has his own psychological time. If you give a suggestion that you are going to attend to the process of purification for 30 mts the system knows its time alright.
45. I am using Ocean of Bliss method. Either it is the first thing I do after

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