Page 111 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 111

elementary intelligence.
It is well known that the pet animals living and moving with humans reciprocate the feelings of love and care shown towards them by their human masters, with dogs, cats, elephants and dolphins becoming the best pets. Dogs have become even metaphors for being the ideal servant utterly loyal and faithful to one’s Master lying always at His feet awaiting the next bidding, reflecting His will totally and with no thought for one’s own existence. It also symbolizes the missionary totally committed to propagating his Master’s message. Thinking, reasoning, conceptualizing and planning appear to be entirely human faculties which could not have evolved without the emergence of language and capacities for abstract symbolic representation. The human system can be considered to be a superset comprising in a generic sense, all the animal sensibilities or sensorium with the faculties of thinking, reasoning and feeling overlaid as if it were above the animal capacities.
All the saints, sages and thinkers have recognized the tripartite man comprising the animal from the navel and below, the human at the heart and divine from the head, actually starting from the forehead constituting the neo cortical region of the human brain and going upwards including the sahasrara and regions beyond brahmarandhra up to the occipital prominence discovered now by the Great Master in SRRY (PAM). The brain scientists have been able to clearly identify the primitive brain called the reptilian brain comprising the cerebellum, the medulla oblongata and the sensory and motor cortex, the limbic system and the neo-cortex the first named structures primarily responsible for animal behaviour essentially consisting of instinctive stimulus response activity and the latter named responsible for emotional and cognitive behaviour. We find that Nature never lets any previous evolutionary developments go waste but builds more complex and functionally superior organisms on the foundations of her own earlier developments in a systematic and holistic manner, all the new parts functionally integrated amongst themselves and not only that but also with the earlier units which have become subordinate structures to the new. All serve the purpose of the new organism ‘intelligently’ and in a wholesome manner with a seamless integration of the parts old and new. We find for instance and to our great astonishment that the metabolic processes found in the most primitive and the longest living organism, the bacteria are found intact even in the most advanced organism, namely man.
Man and rest of creation
Modern genetics has confirmed that there is a great degree of commonality in the genes, the units of biological heredity, across all living organisms from the unicellular e.coli, through the fungus weed, the nematode worm, the fruit fly

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