Page 115 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 115

energy which was in very subtle form of the first mind has been rendered finally in the grossest form of matter. The outward process of manifestation has been the same both for man and the rest of the universe. Thus there is an intimate connection between man and the universe. If man becomes subtler and subtler he will be able to comprehend the subtler forces at play in the universe and will be in a position to control them if so willed by Nature. Of course this implies that such a man has learned first to control himself and has become sufficiently subtle so that the inner workings of Nature are transparent to him. The Master says further that every point in the spinal column is filled with enormous power.
It is interesting to recall here the apocryphal story in the Hindu mythology in which a rishi called Dadichi makes a gift of his spinal cord suffused with power acquired through his penance to Indra, the king of the Gods, to be used by him as the weapon Vajrayudha to kill the demon Vrithra. Similarly every particle in the composition of the nucleus of the brain cells has enormous power as compared to the power of kundalini of which so much is talked about by every one who steps into the arena of spiritual sadhana. The Master says that the most powerful nuclear weapons of the modern day would pale in comparison with the power lying hidden in the brain cells. All this would come to the understanding of posterity in course of time.
Extinction of parallelity between the human and the Divine
All religions, philosophies and sciences are more or less agreed that God created man in His own form. But this does not mean however that the physical form of God is the same as that of man, the human body made of flesh, bones, skin and so on possessing the various limbs. It really means that man is composed of all the powers, forces and energy present in Nature in the same order. Behind this solid external appearance of the physical world there are finer and still finer worlds even as behind the apparently solid physical body of man there exist innumerable bodies each subtler than the one immediately above it. It is common to hold that the subtler one is the cause of the grosser one immediately following it regarded as its effect. Though it is difficult to assign names to all these bodies as they are really innumerable, it is usual for the mystics and philosophers to identify three principal bodies amongst them viz., the physical (sthula-gross), astral (sookshma-fine) and the causal (karan- purpose or destiny).
Speaking a little more elaborately we can say that man is composed of certain structures which ensure his 1. survival needs 2. reproductive or perpetuating needs 3. emotional needs 4. love needs 5. creative drives 6. aspirational needs 7. superconscious living and these may be classified into the physical, etheric or pranic or energetic, emotional, mental, aspirational and causal bodies.

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