Page 129 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 129

diverted towards Divinity. It is to be noted that this is a gradual process initiated and sustained by the attachment developed towards the Goal or Master. As a result the abhyasiloses body consciousness by and by and subsequently soul-consciousness as well. The condition of ‘living dead’ is entered into. This, however, is not to be taken to mean that an unnatural state of inertness or numbness is experienced all the time making one unfit for leading an active and useful life. Unnecessary preoccupation with the body and its state of health is removed. There is a profound clarity as to the goal in his mind and as he becomes more and more focused on to it he loses the sight of the existence of his body, mind or soul. The world looks indeed like a dream, the interactions with it leaves no lasting impression a state of forgetfulness sets in which all things irrelevant to sadhana or the Master’s work seem to evaporate. This is the superior and subtler state of Vairagya. This sort of affairs is encountered when we are intensely involved in any mundane activity as well such as being absorbed in reading, painting a picture or lost in contemplation over some one whom we love. Only here the object of absorption is the Divine Master. When the state of balanced functioning sets in we find that everything is taking care of itself. As the Master has pointed out misery, suffering, state of happiness or enjoyment are all the result of the bhog of one’s own samskaras. To some extent we also have to share in the sufferings and happiness of those associated with us in this life due to karmic connections developed from past lives. Only when we get involved in the happenings around us with the sense of doership and ownership and meddle with the unfolding bhog we sink deeper into the morass.
All of Nature works in utter tranquility making us suspect whether it exists even. Silent and smooth functioning is its hall mark. Only when nuisance is caused to its workings by the unbalanced functioning of the human will that has divorced itself from the line of Divinity, we hear its groans. The very purpose of the descent of the Supreme Personality is to restore the balance, which has been rudely disturbed by the unchecked and tumultuous functioning of the misdirected tendencies of the human mind.
The preliminary state of vairagya is quite easily achieved in our system through the diversion of the downward current to the right towards the Atman by the trainer through Pranahutiwhereas in the normal course it may even take a lifetime of assiduous sadhana and practice of austerities without such a great help. The subtler and finer states of vairagya are attained with continued practice in the Natural Path, corresponding to the mergence and feeling of identicality experienced in the knots in the heart and mind regions.
Meditation (dhyana) Dhyana in tradition

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