Page 182 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 182

abhyasis is to take part in the propagation of the Master’s message dedicating heart mind and soul to it.
It is not to be done through external ways so much as through the individual transformation of the abhyasi and his own life example even as the Masters of the Order and some great devotees of the Master have shown through their lives. This is a very important role that he has to play because the blessings of the Master are already with him, he has already imperienced many spiritual conditions authentically in his heart.
Now it is his turn to give back to the Master through his service which consists in trying to see that His earnest desire is fulfilled, namely, all people should know the method and realize the importance of spirituality over materiality. He has come down for that very purpose of installing spirituality in the place of materiality which has grown to such tragic proportions driving the world towards a catastrophic doom and the service of propagating His message through living a life of balance and moderation fully according to the Ten Commandments is most dear to Him.
In this context it is apt to consider following excerpts of Revered K.C.Varadachari’s inspiring thoughts on human destiny (Human destiny—p 581-4 CW1). He says clearly that the need for the New Darsana can be justified only when we accept the goal of divinization of man and not as one more system of sadhana for liberating a few souls. Nature demands that universal brotherhood be established before it takes up the divinization of man. The Master is equally impatient as is Nature Herself for the divinization to be accomplished and that itself is the reason for the emergence of the Supreme Personality Himself. He assures every abhyasi that He is taking care of him and the abhyasi should in turn actively participate in bringing about simplicity, purity and fraternal feeling in all not worrying about his own realization. The uniforms worn by the abhyasi are the practice of meditation and the Ten Commandments and his individual elevation is but a step in the greater task of divinization. If every abhyasi really believes in the Master he has the onerous responsibility of shedding through his actions and behaviour the Radiance of the Divine Personality deeply embedded in him and he should be conscious of the fact that he is a walking temple in as much as the Master is present in his heart.
There is a great responsibility towards the future on the shoulders of the persons already accepted by the Master and who have benefited considerably through His blessings. We are all victims of a very bad civilization based upon materialism, a civilization based on arrogance, greed, jealousy, conflict and unfair competition. From this the humanity has to move on to a civilization based on sharing, service, cooperation and sacrifice which are all

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