Page 189 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 189

Book-moths-These are the more advanced amongst the class of Gurus who teach and preach on the basis of their knowledge of the scriptures and other holy books. They have established orders and Ashrams and enjoy a kingly position among their followers. They go out and address large audiences and tell them what to do or not to do explaining the intricate questions relating to jiva, maya and Brahman and impress the lay audience with their erudition, vast store of book knowledge and their oratorical skills. People in general put stock questions in metaphysics to these learned pundits. If the gurus are able to answer the same out of the stock of their knowledge of the scriptures, the greatness of such gurus as Mahatmas is established in the questioners’ minds. They induce people to worship gods and deities and advise involved rituals for worship and remedial measures for coming out of the miseries and afflictions common to all. They are more like sign-posts on the road which tell the traveler which way to go. The seeker must bear well in his mind that it is not knowledge, eloquence or the outward display of powers which characterize the true yogi or saint. Despite possessing the mentioned attributes the person may be at the lowest level of spirituality. It is Realization in the right sense alone which makes a person a worthy and competent guide on the path.
Practical Teachers-Those who prescribe to others which they do or have done, not taking into account the merits or demerits thereof.
Inspired Teachers-Those who guide people on the basis of their inner inspirations.
Inspired experienced Teachers -Those who guide people on the basis of their practical experience supported by higher inspiration.
Types of Disciples
Similarly Master classifies the disciples also under five heads moving from the lowest to the highest category. These are respectively,
Self-seekers - Those who take up the pursuit for the fulfillment of the yearning of their senses (needs). Time passers - Those who take it up as a pastime. Followers - Those who try to follow the Guru’s directions. Earnest Disciples - Those who try to follow in the steps of the Guru and try to copy him. Devout Disciples - Those who become the focus of Master’s attention.
The Master has given the above classifications of gurus and disciples so that the discerning seeker will be able to make an enlightened selection of a worthy guru in today’s degraded spiritual environment, which indeed is a very difficult task having at the same time an enormous significance for the seeker’s spiritual progress. A wrong choice can ruin totally the material, mental, moral and spiritual aspects of his life.

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