Page 195 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 195

human context. The nature of the Ultimate is also consciousness though of the most super fine or subtlest kind.
Thought it is which is common between Man and the Ultimate and this characteristic alone distinguishes him from all other existence in manifestation. This is the real meaning of the common expression that man is made in the image of God according to the Master.
We have also seen earlier the novel and at the same time very persuasive revelation of the Master for the origin of so many distracting and disturbing thoughts one gets whenever he sits for meditation. Prana is always in a state of balance and equanimity whenever it is dwelling on the thoughts of the Origin, Base or Ultimate. When it gets attached to anything other than the Origin due to peculiar circumstances, it tries to wriggle itself out of the clutches of gross matter. This leads to the awareness of thoughts and that it is mainly due to their rejection by the mind is a great contribution to the field of psychology by the Master. This immediately leads to the choice of the kind of thought which should be taken up for meditation. Naturally it shall be in consonance with the nature of the mind as described above and we are able to appreciate the Master’s suggestion that the meditation is to be done thinking that there is Divine light without luminosity in the heart. This helps in getting into the state of absorbency easily as the mind will not reject the thought of divine light which is as near as we can get to the original thought.
Role of ‘external’ assistance in sadhana and fitness for offering pranahuti
The Master has graciously offered to assist and is assisting all sincere seekers during their march towards the goal by means of the divine influx of pranahuti, the sacrifice (ahuti) of the life force which has been seen to be psychic in nature. All serious sadhakas have felt the need of assistance on the spiritual path especially with regard to the control of mind which as the Master has said elsewhere seems to take on wings as if it were whenever one withdraws into himself for some contemplation. It is to be kept in mind that whenever we seek assistance we should see that the process doe not lead to further bondage. The aspirant has sought to control the mind as a means for liberation from bondages and if the assistance were to mean imposition of yet another bondage it may not be welcome.
It is also necessary to consider whether such assistance offered by another person would really constitute interference with one’s destiny for each one of us is an expression of the divine having our own part to play and destinies to realize. The relationship with the divine is purely one to one and each soul has its own karmas that are to be enjoyed without exception. The law of cause and effect is immutable and the law of karma which is merely the expression of the principle of cause and effect is the basis of the principle of Divine Justice

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