Page 202 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 202

really seeks emancipation, transformation and supramentalization. The true seekers of the Ultimate experience and the solution of problem of life would find this work of utmost help and relevance as they would be guided by the authentic voice of the true Guru who is fully competent to take them to the final destination.
Dr. K.C.Varadachari states that there are many men earnest for the higher life and there are many voices, many doctrines and multitudinous aspirations. But the spiritual solution alone would be the true solution and none who has not discovered true spirituality can really be able to help in the regeneration of mankind. There are many voices of lesser caliber being heard even in the field of spirituality, notes of pseudo spirituality such as humanism, humanitarianism and so on which are only expressions of spirituality and not spirituality per se. There is an urgent and pressing need to arrive at that real thing which is unadulterated spirituality for the present age is a more complicated age than the earlier ones, requiring a complete transformation of man all over the world in all his attitudes. True unity in the world, all other cooperative enterprises international and inter-racial can hardly touch the core of the problem. Thus all men of serious purpose should seek the real and ultimate stuff. When it is said that one should regain that awareness and experience of the Ultimate state for each, it is not implied that he is dissolved in the primeval and original substance and be lost or merged in it for ever. It does not mean the extinguishment of the ‘ray of creation’ in the individual on his attainment of ‘Mukti’ leaving the world poorer and God without a ray of ‘Life’. On the contrary such great and noble souls who have journeyed the farthest and moved on deeper and deeper in negation will be able to express the Divine better and better and participate with the Divine in the execution of its plan for humanity namely the divinization of man.
The Master’s incomparable work will inspire every one who studies it with ardour and reverence, create in him an inexhaustible craving and thirst for realization of the Ultimate and enable him eventually to be a willing and able participant in the Divine Endeavour.
The ‘Stages of Progress’ naturally imply that there is a goal towards which one is moving or advancing and the ‘stages’ denote his experiences on the way. Progress in the spiritual context also means that there is a steady improvement in the spiritual condition of the aspirant in the sense that he is becoming subtler, lighter and more integrated day by day. He is moving on from the plane of ‘lower’ or animal consciousness which restricts him to the sphere of satisfaction of the baser instincts and impulsive urges to the ‘upper’ or higher consciousness- the human level wherein his life is governed and driven by the spiritual values of satya (truth), ahimsa (non-injury in thought,

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