Page 205 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 205

with the God-given instruments of knowledge and action for the fulfillment of His purpose following His light.
The third view of the goal is to come up to the level of leading a balanced existence- interested readers may refer to the detailed treatment of this aspect in the related article (BP V1 p 367-411). The Gita states that the state of balance or samatva is the hall mark of yoga and praises the wise person living in state of sthitha prajna, the state of spiritual equanimity highly. (Gita Ch.2). The Master has stated in His message, ‘Solution to the Problem of Existence’ (SDG p- 118-9) that when one ponders over the problem (the Destination), he will surely come to the conclusion that he is sailing towards his own Home wherefrom he has been snatched by the Irony of Fate. Explaining further the concept of the ‘Irony’, the Master says that it evokes the idea of ‘unbalanced character’. So long as one is in the balanced state he had no form of his own. The unbalanced character has created all the intricacies of existence and the way out is to unfold ourselves and restore our own balance which had been lost. The SRRY is the system which enables the sadhaka to recover the balanced state.
Put very briefly, most of us are aware the two aspects to the existence, one called the Jivatma, the lower self and the Antaratma, the higher self as described earlier under the heads of the characteristics of the ‘L’ and ‘U’ parts into which the heart has been divided by the Master. If one yields to the Jivatma he will end up as a Jivi or Prani, just another living existence and nothing more whereas if he yields to the Antaratma he moves further in spirituality. God loves us most, the human beings which species is the best among all His creation to our knowledge and experience so far. We are endowed with that precious instrument, the ‘mind’ with which we can see either up towards the Source, the Divine or down towards the creation. We have so far been squandering the trust He has placed in and the great love He has for us by diverting our attention towards and yielding to the lower self disproportionately and seldom thinking about and arousing the divine potential in ourselves. As it has been said in the Prayer we are slaves of wishes of the bestial nature and seem prepared to sink to any level degrading our own dignity and the Divine dignity in ourselves. This affects the parallelism between the divine and human lines and is the cause of losing balanced character referred to above. Skews and curves which are not in tune with the original line of Divinity have been created in our lives by such yielding to the lower self. The aspirant has to make a desperate resolve as the Master calls it, to come out of the situation and the Master is always ready to assist through the process of Pranahuti, such a sadhaka who has thus resolved rightly. This is the only way to make the line of humanity to be in consonance with that of Divinity. The Master says the line of divinity is characterized by

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