Page 225 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 225

light nor darkness but that which is beyond both. For lack of any other word for expressing this basically inexpressible condition the Master uses the term ‘Complete Ignorance’, of course vastly different from the state of preliminary ignorance.
The Master describes the development of ‘Special Will’ as the hall mark of a realized person. The will of ordinary man is not always firm being swayed by environmental or other factors. However when he does spiritual sadhana he is able to develop will power through which he can bring about changes within himself and also be able to modify circumstances external to himself. Telekinesis, telepathy and many other mental powers displayed by some persons are the manifestation of such developed will. But the discriminating sadhaka does not apply his developed will to alter circumstances as that will be against the principle pf practicing submission to divine will as taught by the great Masters through their own personal examples in this regard.
Great saints have never sought to display so called super normal feats or miracles through their developed powers of the mind. The way to develop such a will is to use it for a good cause with selfless and noble intention, faith in Justice and Balance and in the deservancy of the effort on the part of the aspirant coupled with compassion and love (when the will is used for his spiritual upliftment) and an unfailing determination to succeed. Normally one thinks of will as a development of the Ego of the individual. But the Master has a different approach; when the ego has been reduced to a state of ‘nothingness’ and remains as bare identity we may say that it is hardly present in the individual. The person who has negated himself is said to have no ‘personality’ at all, the word ‘persona’ standing for mask which is a great barrier for those who seek to know, live and move in the Ultimate Reality, or Base. The Special Personality, who has reached such a state of nothingness, is such a person having no real personality.
The Master describes further the state of such a non-person person and states that at this stage the devotee no longer remains a supplicant in the strict sense though his humble supplications persist still as duly they must. Really it is on account of his gentleness of character that the relation which has brought him up to it is maintained all through. In accordance to it he receives commands for the work required for the world, his own position in this respect being nil practically. He is in a way part of the Bhuma. Such a condition falls very rarely to one’s lot and at any given time there can be only one such in the entire world and that too only when Nature has a dire need for the same as seen earlier. It may be noted that such personalities come once in a millennia and are not really born as such; rather they develop into such a personality by thoroughly negating themselves so that the Divine may express itself through

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