Page 29 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 29

avail. The man with faith, devotion and self-confidence wins.
Man is Nature’s instrument. He possesses immense power and has the implement required for the utilisation of that power. That wonderful implement is the mind and it is exclusively the possession of man. Even God who is thought to be the object of worship does not have mind. Animals are however said to possess mind but it is of a different nature. It is, so to say, in an inert state in comparison to man’s mind, which is full of life and activity. The mind owes its origin to the first Stir, which came into effect by the will of God to bring the creation into existence. Such being the nature of the human mind, it is highly incorrect on the part of the pseudo-mahatmas to rail at it in the bitterest terms, proclaiming it as the worst enemy of man. They do not take into account its real value and merit. In fact, it is the only instrument for bringing things into action. It is the original cosmic power in miniature form, which brought into existence the tiny creation of man. It is the same power, which is in action at the root of everything. Whose power is it, of God or of man? The answer is simple. It is definitely of man because God possesses no mind. If He had it, He would have been subject to the effect of samskaras. It must, therefore, be the human mind that works at the root.
Every particle of the human body possesses immense force and the entire universe is closely connected with it. Every point of the spinal column is full with the greatest power. But no heed has so far been paid to it. People are all crying for kundalini alone, hankering madly after its awakening. Every particle in the composition of the kernel (nucleus) of the various brain cells has its own powerful force, which surpasses that of kundalini. But nobody has yet tried to utilise it for the good of humanity. My view may not be acceptable to most of the jnanis; and even if I demonstrate it to them, they may not be sensitive enough to realise It. A time has however to come, as it must, when people will understand and realise it.
Extinction of Parallelity between the Human and the Divine
It is commonly believed that God created man in His own form. All the religions, philosophies and sciences of the world more or less agree on this point. It does not mean that the physical form of God is the same as that of man, the human body made of flesh, bones, skin, etc., possessing arms, legs and other limbs. It really means that man possesses or is composed of all the powers, forces and energy, which are present in Nature, in the same order.
The composition of man is exactly the same as that of the universe. Just as behind this solid external universe there are innumerable others of finer and still finer types, so behind this gross physical form of man there are numerous finer and still finer forms of existence. The outermost form is the gross body (sthula sharir) behind which there exists the astral body (sookshmasharir) and

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