Page 79 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 79

there is no possibility of attaining realization. Ego is the insurmountable barrier and all great saints have stressed the importance of the need to efface oneself through total surrender to God. The grace of a Guru of caliber is absolutely essential for this to happen.
The Master reiterates that the controversy over God is a fake one and is the result of a multitude of misconceptions loaded on the subject over a long period of time. The impulsive emotional approach is to be avoided as it blurs the vision and bars the progress towards the goal. The subtlest conception of God is to regard Him as Zero or the Centre or Base. No prakriti or universe can exist without the backing of this substratum or base. This backing is the Brahman or God, it is the Bhuma, a substanceless-substance, a forceless force. We can see the use of paradoxical terms to describe the Ultimate Principle which is essentially indescribable and indefinable. The reason is not far to seek as the supreme truth is beyond speech and beyond the flights of enquiring thought-yato vacho nivertante aprapya manasa saha- as the Upanishad puts it. The Vedas indicate It by the negating description, neti, neti, not this, not this. There is no other means to describe that which is beyond the grasp of the senses, transcendent to reason and which can be felt only in the core of one’s heart. It has been said that God reveals Himself only to him who is chosen; study, strenuous austerity, sacrifice or devotional practices any of these or all put together at best make one deserving of His grace and attract His attention towards the aspirant.
Tam – The Highest State
The Master makes His most profound revelation when He talks about Tam as the highest approach of the yogi. There is nothing beyond it. People in general treat Sat to be Reality and use it as a yardstick to measure the extent of knowledge of God. That is far away from the real state; the Ultimate can be entered into only when one abides in a state of total negation. That is the state of zero or nothingness where the devotee’s individuality has become extinct and He alone is. As it has been said the lane of love is very narrow and there is no place for two not to talk of three, i.e., the devotee, Guru and God. The state of Tam is the last resting place of the yogi and while in this state he is in the state of complete ignorance. Yet he will be carrying out all his actions in a natural way. When the condition is reigning in full swing in him he will be like an infant, having no awareness of his own condition. It is a state of non- awareness of the self, Master or God. When there is no awareness of existence or more correctly, separate existence it is equivalent to non- existence. Sages have labored hard even over several lives to attain this state but failed. It is the central point and the real state of being. If a slight touch of Sat or existence is applied to it he will become cognizant of his state of Tam.

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